Rose Willock reminisces about winning Miss Montserrat title

Before she became a broadcasting legend, Rose Willock was crowned Miss Montserrat in 1965. She says community involvement was the key to her success.

Rose Willock, shown in 2012, talks about her journey to win the Miss Montserrat title.

Rose Willock refers to Montserrat as her “Little Valhalla.” It’s not a throwaway phrase or casual platitude. Her love of country is profound and tangible. Her civic involvement, cultural promotion and community outreach stretches back more than five decades.

The first nine years of her life were spent in Trials and Kinsale Village, during which time she attended St. Patrick’s and Kinsale Primary schools. Later on she lived in Long Ground and then in Plymouth. Along the way, she established a crucial level of visibility and endeared herself to the public through her congenial demeanor and love of service.

In 1965, Rose was teaching at the Cork Hill Primary School. It was her third year as a teacher following her graduation from the Montserrat Secondary School. Aside from teaching, she was heavily involved in cultural organizations. She was a member of the Carnival Joy Promoters, a group she first joined while at MSS. The Joy Promoters designed costumes for the annual festival, organized princess shows and also formed a dance group that performed at social functions such as cocktail parties at Government House.

Rose also played netball and was a member of the Shamrock Players, a “play reading” group featuring nationals and expatriates. Yes, her plate was full. But that was fine. She enjoyed consuming everything about Montserrat. “At that time you got involved in whatever was happening,” she explains. “As young people we never allowed ourselves to be bored.”

So by the time Rose was recruited as a contestant for the Festival Queen Show by the Jaycees, she was well-known on the island. She and the four other contestants – Christine Carty, Mary Greenaway, Avonelle Rachael Lewis and Gloria Liburd – were ecstatic to be involved. They all knew each other. It was a competition, but it didn’t feature the tense rivalry and drama that defines other pageants.

“We all supported each other,” Rose says. “As a matter of fact, I was rooting for my cousin and best friend Christine Carty to win. But that didn’t mean I was going to hold back. I was also very competitive.”

Rose did not have trouble finding a sponsor. Annie Eid, longtime proprietor of a variety store in Plymouth, agreed to be Rose’s benefactor. Eid’s son, Errol, designed Rose’s costume, which featured a sunflower theme. “He was very artistic, very creative,” Rose says. “I just loved that costume.”

The Queen Show at that time featured only two major segments: costume and evening wear. Each contestant was also interviewed on Radio Montserrat prior to the big show, which was held at MSS. A stage was built in the school yard facing Church Road. There was reserve seating, and the event was formal. “Everybody dressed up for the Queen Show in those days,” Rose says. “It was not casual at all.”

Rose’s costume and evening-wear segments went off flawlessly, and as time drew near for the judges to announce their decision, Rose had a sense that she had prevailed. “I could tell based on audience reaction.” When the results came in, Rose Willock was crowned Festival Queen 1965, edging her cousin Christine.

Back then, the crowning of the Festival Queen was almost like an actual coronation. The queen was draped with a flowing cape, given a scepter, and fitted with a sparkling tiara. “It was very regal,” Rose says. “It was like, ‘introducing … Her Majesty.’ ”

Asked what separated her from her rivals that night, Rose said: “Nerves. I think nerves got the best of the other girls. It’s not easy going on stage in front of so many people. I love people. I feed off people. But for others it was not that easy.”

Rose’s grand prize was a trip to Barbados. She was chaperoned by Mrs. Daisy Nanton, whom she refers to as her “other mother.” It was the first time Rose had traveled anywhere farther than Antigua. As an ambassador for Montserrat, she got to interact with people on different levels during her time in Barbados, from dignitaries to the masses. On a personal level, she met several family members for the first time who resided in Barbados.

After her reign as queen, Rose’s community involvement didn’t wane. Rose says teaching was always her first love. After leaving MSS, she turned down a job offer from a local bank and applied for a teaching position. Little did she know that her future would be in broadcasting. While at MSS, she served as a volunteer at Radio Montserrat (ZJB). That informal internship proved vital. She learned the ropes about broadcasting. Years later, she had a moment of clarity.

“One day I was listening to a Barbados radio station and I thought to myself, ‘Hey, [broadcasting], that’s the way to go! I can have a much bigger audience and still teach.’ ”

She began working at ZJB in 1966. She joined rival Radio Antilles from 1976 until 1989, when Hurricane Hugo wrecked the station’s transmitter. She returned to ZJB in 1990. She never stopped teaching, however. She taught dance and served as a substitute teacher at MSS.

She also remained involved in the queen show, serving as a judge, host and chaperone, helping at least four contestants capture the crown. And although the prizes have evolved greatly since Rose was crowned, with winners receiving a brand new vehicle, the show has been canceled several times because organizers were unable to find contestants.

From 1962 to 1987, a queen show was never canceled due to lack of participation. From 1988 to 2017, it happened five times, excluding years affected by natural disasters. Rose says the No. 1 reason some girls are reluctant to participate is a lack of confidence.

“I get a little sad when I interact with some young people, sometimes 17 and 18 years old, and they don’t know what they want or where they’re going. We need to allow young girls to grow in confidence and competence.”

“A lot of the contestants have not established themselves at the community level,” Rose says. “If I could give them any advice it’s, be involved. Build your confidence, look at people in the eye when they talk to you. Give a firm handshake. Smile, and the world smiles with you.

“I get a little sad when I interact with some young people, sometimes 17 and 18 years old, and they don’t know what they want or where they’re going. We need to allow young girls to grow in confidence and competence. They benefit, and the community benefits as well.”

CLICK HERE for a list of all the Montserrat Queen Show winners.


  1. Ms Willock has inspired generations of Caribbean women.

    She personally influenced me when she hosted the Sunday afternoon Children’s Hour on Radio Antilles back in the late 70s. Ms Willock and her ‘studio gang’ touched the hearts of countless little girls and boys throughout the Caribbean. The contests, short stories (which I was encouraged to write though unsolicited) and the fun/educational fun activities helped to groom the youth for the future. I salute this giant of a Caribbean woman, Ms Rose Willock!

  2. Ms Willock was one of the best teachers,I ever had at Cork Hill School. She was so caring and attentive towards her students. May she continue to inspire lots more people and continue to fill the broadcasting world at large with her charming voice. Long may she reign.

  3. As one of the top radio announcers with Guardian Media, one of the biggest media companies in Trinidad, I can safely say were it not for Rose taking a chance on me and guiding me on Radio Antilles back in the 80’s in Montserrat, I would not be where I am to this day.. Her faith in me has never been forgotten, nor her grace and poise during the last days of the Big R.A… I’ll always be grateful to her and send my undying respect and admiration for all she continues to do on and off the airwaves.

  4. No hard feelings dear ?.How could I ever forget that memorable Queen Show night way back in 1965. ?
    Of course you were then and still are cuz, “Simply the Best”.
    Wishing you continued success….Well done!

  5. Rose is an exceptional breed of women. She is friendly , polite and loves people. This is reciprocated. We all know her can’t imagine the emerald Isle without. Long life to you Teacher Rose…yes she taught me at Cork Hill Primary, one of the best I’ve had. Go Rose go.

  6. A living legend is Rose! I am one she also took a chance on as a journalist at Radio Antilles just before the station closed. I remain grateful. My 34 years of success in the media is tribute to Rose and others like Wilsie White.

  7. As a very young woman, and my piano student, Rose exhibited a level of maturity, intelligence and curiosity remarkable for her age. I knew she would go far and an so proud of her.

  8. My name is Sandra Eugene from Saint Lucia, what a shock when I discovered this article. I used to look forward every Sunday afternoon to listen To The Children’s Hour on Radio Antilles. Along with my friend Alighta and on Monday come to school and talk about it. I had the opportunity of meeting Rose Willock in Saint Lucia, along with the children’s hour gang: Toni, Mitchel, Steven, Gordon and his younger brother, Rose’s son Sean. After I graduate from school I moved to Canada for school with the intention of getting into Journalism, but did Pre-law and moved to New-Jersey, where I reside. I eventually when into teaching and did my graduate studies in Special Education. Having said all these Rose Willock was a big influence in my life, I used to imagine being on the radio up to this present day I still enjoy reading the newspapers and when I am happing a bad day at work I go back to these simple memories.

  9. I remember Rose from my time in Montserrat on an aid programme from the UK Midlands after Hurricane Hugo where we were helping repair roofs of schools. I attended a wonderful weekly afro aerobics class and Rose was in it or taught it I can’t remember which though. She was a wonderful person, very friendly, inspiring and doing a lot for the community. I was so excited to see her on Ben Fogel’s documentary on Montserrat. She is clearly still a strong character helping the islanders all through the years after all the horrific tragedy from the volcano eruptions. I admire her enormously.


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